Every year we are asked why elm trees turn black in Edmonton. The answer is they […]
Ash trees account for sixty percent of Edmonton’s boulevard trees and thirty percent of city owned […]
We had talked about lilac ash borer in a previous post but there is an even […]
Dutch elm disease (DED) was first brought to North America during the Second World War when […]
Hypoxylon Canker disease is an aggressive fungal infection that targets Alberta’s aspen trees and, to a […]
Columnar aspen and poplar trees in Alberta have a lot of things attacking them and one […]
Spruce tree skirting is the practice of removing branches from the bottom of the canopy up […]
It does not matter whether your backyard is filled with concrete and stone or if it’s […]
Everything you need to know about black knot fungus in Alberta
Everything you need to know about Spruce Sawfly